Base function to get events from API and convert response to data frame
encounter_types = NULL,
vessels = NULL,
flags = NULL,
vessel_types = NULL,
start_date = "2012-01-01",
end_date = "2024-12-31",
region = NULL,
region_source = NULL,
gap_intentional_disabling = NULL,
duration = 1,
confidences = c(2, 3, 4),
limit = 99999,
offset = 0,
sort = "+start",
key = gfw_auth(),
quiet = FALSE,
print_request = FALSE,
Type of event to get data of. A vector with any combination of "ENCOUNTER", "FISHING", "GAP", "LOITERING", "PORT_VISIT"
Filters for types of vessels during the encounter. A vector with any combination of: "CARRIER-FISHING", "FISHING-CARRIER", "FISHING-SUPPORT", "SUPPORT-FISHING"
A vector of vesselIds, obtained via the get_vessel_info()
ISO3 code for the flag of the vessels. Null by default.
A vector of vessel types, any combination of: "FISHING", "CARRIER", "SUPPORT", "PASSENGER", "OTHER_NON_FISHING", "SEISMIC_VESSEL", "BUNKER_OR_TANKER", "CARGO"
Start of date range to search events, in YYYY-MM-DD format and including this date
End of date range to search events, in YYYY-MM-DD format and excluding this date
sf shape to filter raster or GFW region code (such as an EEZ code). See details about formatting the geojson
source of the region ('EEZ','MPA', 'RFMO' or 'USER_SHAPEFILE')
Logical. Whether the Gap events are intentional, according to Global Fishing Watch algorithms
duration, in minutes, of the event, ex. 30
Confidence levels (1-4) of events (port visits only)
How to sort the events. By default, +start, which sorts the events in ascending order (+) of the start dates of the events. Other possible values are -start, +end, -end.
Authorization token. Can be obtained with gfw_auth() function
Boolean. Whether to print the number of events returned by the request
Boolean. Whether to print the request, for debugging purposes. When contacting the GFW team it will be useful to send this string
Other arguments
There are currently four available event types and these events are provided
for three vessel types - fishing, carrier, and support vessels.
Fishing events (event_type = "FISHING"
) are specific to fishing vessels and
loitering events (event_type = "LOITERING"
) are specific to carrier vessels.
Port visits (event_type = "PORT_VISIT"
) and encounters
(event_type = "ENCOUNTER"
) are available for all vessel types. For more
details about the various event types, see the
GFW API documentation.
Encounter events involve multiple vessels and one row is returned for each
vessel involved in an encounter.
For example, an encounter between a carrier and fishing vessel
) will have one row for the fishing vessel and one for the
carrier vessel. The id
field for encounter events has two components
separated by a .
. The first component is the unique id for the encounter
event and will be the same for all vessels involved in the encounter. The
second component is an integer used to distinguish between different vessels
in the encounter.
if (FALSE) {
# port visits
get_event(event_type = "PORT_VISIT",
vessels = c("e0c9823749264a129d6b47a7aabce377",
start_date = "2017-01-26",
end_date = "2017-12-31",
confidence = c(3, 4), # only for port visits
key = gfw_auth())
get_event(event_type = "ENCOUNTER",
vessels = c("e0c9823749264a129d6b47a7aabce377",
start_date = "2018-01-30",
end_date = "2023-02-04",
key = gfw_auth())
# fishing
get_event(event_type = "FISHING",
vessels = c("8c7304226-6c71-edbe-0b63-c246734b3c01"),
start_date = "2017-01-26",
end_date = "2023-02-04",
key = gfw_auth())
get_event(event_type = "GAP",
vessels = c("e0c9823749264a129d6b47a7aabce377",
start_date = "2017-01-26",
end_date = "2023-02-04",
key = gfw_auth())
# loitering
get_event(event_type = "LOITERING",
vessels = c("e0c9823749264a129d6b47a7aabce377",
start_date = "2017-01-26",
end_date = "2023-02-04",
key = gfw_auth())
# encounter type
get_event(event_type = "ENCOUNTER",
encounter_types = "CARRIER-FISHING",
start_date = "2020-01-01",
end_date = "2020-01-31",
key = gfw_auth())
# vessel types
get_event(event_type = "ENCOUNTER",
vessel_types = c("CARRIER", "FISHING"),
start_date = "2020-01-01",
end_date = "2020-01-31",
key = gfw_auth())
# fishing events in Senegal EEZ
get_event(event_type = 'FISHING',
start_date = "2020-10-01",
end_date = "2020-12-31",
region = 8371,
region_source = 'EEZ',
flags = 'CHN',
key = gfw_auth())
# fishing events in user shapefile
test_polygon <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -70, xmax = -40, ymin = -10, ymax = 5),
crs = 4326) |>
sf::st_as_sfc() |>
get_event(event_type = 'FISHING',
start_date = "2020-10-01",
end_date = "2020-12-31",
region = test_polygon,
region_source = 'USER_SHAPEFILE',
key = gfw_auth())