This vignette explains the use of get_vessel_info() as a key function to understand vessel identity and to use all the other Global Fishing Watch API endpoints.

We discuss basic identity markers, why Vessel ID was created, the structure of the get_vessel_info() response and how to get vesselId for use in the functions get_event() and get_event_stats().

Automatic Identification System (AIS)

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic tracking system originally developed to help preventing collisions between vessels at sea. Vessels broadcast AIS to alert other vessels of their presence, but terrestrial and satellite receivers can also receive these messages and monitor vessel movements. AIS is at the core of Global Fishing Watch analysis pipelines, including the AIS-based fishing effort calculation displayed on our map and available through function get_raster() in gfwr.

AIS messages include identity information about the vessel, such as ship name, call sign, and International Maritime Organization (IMO) number, as well as an identifier known as the Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI).

  • MMSI are nine-digit numbers broadcasted in AIS messages. MMSIs are supposed to be unique for each vessel, but 1. a vessel can change MMSIs throughout its lifecycle–for example when it’s reflagged, because the first three digits refer to the flag country 2. several vessels can broadcast the same MMSI at the same time. This happens for many reasons, including the fact that data entry in AIS messages is manual.

  • Shipname and callsign can be also transmitted in AIS messages but they are optional, not every AIS-broadcasting vessel transmits them, and their transmission can be inconsistent. Shipnames can also vary a lot in their spelling, requiring some fuzzy matching to detect if they refer to the same vessel.

  • IMO numbers are permanent unique identifiers that follow a vessel from construction to scrapping. Assigned by the International Maritime Organization, IMO numbers are required for only a subset of industrial fishing vessels. IMO number can be transmitted along with MMSI in AIS messages but they are frequently missing.

These identity markers are often the starting point of any enquiry around vessel identity. However, due to their characteristics, none of these identifiers should be interpreted as the sole identity source for a vessel. Global Fishing Watch does extensive work to analyze and gather all the information available for a given vessel into cohesive sets.

Note: MMSI is referred to as ssvid in our tables. ssvid stands for “source-specific vessel identity”. In this case, the source is AIS, and ssvid = MMSI.

Function get_vessel_info() allows a user to run a basic query using MMSI, callsign, shipname or IMO number but it also allows for complex searches, using a combination of these to retrieve the vessel of interest more accurately:

Do a simple search using “query” and search_type = “search” (which is the default so it can be omitted from the function call)

get_vessel_info(query = 224224000, search_type = "search")

Do complex search or fuzzy matching using "where" and search_type = "search"

get_vessel_info(where = "imo = '8300949'")
get_vessel_info(where = "imo = '8300949' AND ssvid = '214182732'")
get_vessel_info(where = "shipname LIKE '%GABU REEFE%' OR imo = '8300949'")

Importantly, the response will return all the information it has for the vessel that matches the combination of identity markers requested, not only the ones requested.

The function doesn’t “filter” the results literally because vessels can have different MMSI, IMO, shipnames (or spellings of it) and callsigns in time, and these are all part of the identity history of that same vessel. Internally, Global Fishing Watch reconstructs the vessel identity history by matching a combination of these fields.

One of the key elements of this response is the vesselId, used by functions get_event() and get_event_stats().


To solve the complexity of having several vessel identifiers that can be duplicated or missing for each vessel and that can change in time, Global Fishing Watch developed vesselId, a unified vessel identity variable that combines vessel information and is specific to a specific time interval.

A vesselId is formed by a combination of the MMSI and the IMO number when available, or by the MMSI, callsign and shipname transmitted in AIS messages. Each vesselId is thus associated to a single MMSI at a specific period of time, and refers to a single vessel.

A single vessel can have several vesselId in time, and this is why simple calls to get_vessel_info() can return tables that have many rows and different identity markers in time.

Use examples

Let’s go back to the simple search. To get information of a vessel using its MMSI, IMO number, callsign or name, the search can be done directly using the number or the string. For example, to look for a vessel with MMSI = 224224000, the number is enough:

mmsi_search <- get_vessel_info(query = 224224000,
                search_type = "search",
                key = gfw_auth())

The response from the API is a list with seven elements:

# [1] "dataset"                      "registryInfoTotalRecords"    
# [3] "registryInfo"                 "registryOwners"              
# [5] "registryPublicAuthorizations" "combinedSourcesInfo"         
# [7] "selfReportedInfo"

The content of the original AIS message transmitted by the vessel appears in $selfReportedInfo:

# # A tibble: 2 × 13
#   vesselId         ssvid shipname nShipname flag  callsign imo   messagesCounter
#   <chr>            <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <chr>           <int>
# 1 6632c9eb8-8009-… 3061… AGURTZA… AGURTZAB… BES   PJBL     8733…        21772378
# 2 3c99c326d-dd2e-… 2242… AGURTZA… AGURTZAB… ESP   EBSJ     8733…         1887249
# # ℹ 5 more variables: positionsCounter <int>, sourceCode <list>,
# #   matchFields <chr>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>, transmissionDateTo <chr>

As you can see this vessel returns a dataframe with two rows. One corresponds to our original search, where ssvid (MMSI) equals 224224000.

The second line has a different ssvid, but the same name and IMO number. The two lines correspond to the same vessel, and as you can see form the fields transmissionDateFrom and transmissionDateTo, flag, and ssvid, the vessel operated with a Spain flag (ESP) and one ssvid between 2015 and 2019, then it was reflagged and operated with a BES flag (from Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba) between 2019 and 2023. The change in ssvid reflects the reflagging operation because the first three digits of MMSI correspond to the flag country.

Variable matchFields reports that the matching was done using "SEVERAL_FIELDS".

mmsi_search$selfReportedInfo %>% 
  select(vesselId, ssvid, flag, contains("Date"))
# # A tibble: 2 × 5
#   vesselId                   ssvid flag  transmissionDateFrom transmissionDateTo
#   <chr>                      <chr> <chr> <chr>                <chr>             
# 1 6632c9eb8-8009-abdb-baf9-… 3061… BES   2019-10-15T12:16:54Z 2023-11-30T18:22:…
# 2 3c99c326d-dd2e-175d-626f-… 2242… ESP   2015-10-13T15:47:16Z 2019-10-15T12:10:…

This is a simple case, in which the successive vesselId do not overlap in time and most identifiers match, in spite of some changes.

For some vessels, variables transmissionDateFrom and transmissionDateTo can overlap and other fields can be different.

Using vesselId in other functions

vesselId can be extracted from $selfReportedInfo$vesselId, but is is highly recommended to take a look at the response and confirm which of the values returned vesselId should be selected.

Before picking a vesselId to use in other functions, it is useful to examinate:

  • which vesselId corresponds to the time interval of interest
  • if other identifiers are matching, indicating there is enough confidence that different vesselId refer to the vessels of interest
  • the number of messages transmitted, in messagesCounter. Sometimes very few positions are transmitted for a short time interval and that vesselId can be treated as an exception

You can use the selected vesselId to get any events related to the vessel of interest in other functions.

In our example, Global Fishing Watch analyses report the vessel had two encounters:

id <- mmsi_search$selfReportedInfo$vesselId
get_event(event_type = "ENCOUNTER", vessels = id) 
# [1] "Downloading 2 events from GFW"
# # A tibble: 2 × 11
#   start               end                 id      type    lat   lon regions     
#   <dttm>              <dttm>              <chr>   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <list>      
# 1 2020-09-14 08:30:00 2020-09-14 11:50:00 514d33… enco…  8.01 -20.8 <named list>
# 2 2021-04-19 09:40:00 2021-04-19 12:50:00 6ffcbd… enco…  3.08 -12.2 <named list>
# # ℹ 4 more variables: boundingBox <list>, distances <list>, vessel <list>,
# #   event_info <list>

Registry data

Vessel registries carry important vessel identity information, like vessel characteristics, history of registration, licenses to fish in certain areas, and vessel ownership data. Global Fishing Watch compiles vessel information from over 40 public vessel registries and matches this information with the AIS-transmitted identity fields to provide a better overview of a vessel’s identity.

This information is requested by parameter "includes" and returned in the elements

  • $registryInfoTotalRecords (number of records in registries),
# # A tibble: 1 × 1
#   registryInfoTotalRecords
#                      <int>
# 1                        1
  • $registryInfo the actual information in the registry, including identity, vessel characteristics, dates of transmission and whether the record corresponds to the latest vessel information available
# # A tibble: 1 × 15
#   id                    sourceCode ssvid flag  shipname nShipname callsign imo  
#   <chr>                 <list>     <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>    <chr>
# 1 e0c9823749264a129d6b… <chr [6]>  2242… ESP   AGURTZA… AGURTZAB… EBSJ     8733…
# # ℹ 7 more variables: latestVesselInfo <lgl>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>,
# #   transmissionDateTo <chr>, geartypes <list>, lengthM <dbl>, tonnageGt <int>,
# #   vesselInfoReference <chr>
  • $registryOwners with their name, country of origin, ssvid of the vessel and dates of ownership. Sometimes the vessel can change identities and flags but its owners remain the same, and sometimes changes in identity correspond to changes in ownership.
# # A tibble: 2 × 6
#   name             flag  ssvid     sourceCode dateFrom             dateTo       
#   <chr>            <chr> <chr>     <list>     <chr>                <chr>        
# 1 JEALSA RIANXEIRA ESP   306118000 <chr [1]>  2019-10-15T12:47:53Z 2023-09-15T1…
# 2 JEALSA RIANXEIRA ESP   224224000 <chr [1]>  2015-10-13T16:06:33Z 2019-10-15T0…
  • $registryPublicAuthorizations of the response and the respective organizations
mmsi_search$registryPublicAuthorizations %>%
# # A tibble: 4 × 4
#   dateFrom             dateTo               ssvid     sourceCode
#   <chr>                <chr>                <chr>     <chr>     
# 1 2019-10-15T00:00:00Z 2023-02-01T00:00:00Z 306118000 ICCAT     
# 2 2018-01-09T00:00:00Z 2019-10-24T00:00:00Z 224224000 ICCAT     
# 3 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z 224224000 IOTC      
# 4 2014-03-11T00:00:00Z 2016-07-28T00:00:00Z 224224000 ICCAT

Matching AIS and registries: case examples

In the best of cases, AIS messages match registry information and the whole identity of the vessel can be reconstructed. Here are two examples with on registry match and AIS data not overlapping in time

This vessel has a single identity throughout its entire history:

one_AIS <- get_vessel_info(where= "ssvid='701024000'")

#see AIS-based identities
# # A tibble: 1 × 13
#   vesselId         ssvid shipname nShipname flag  callsign imo   messagesCounter
#   <chr>            <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <chr>           <int>
# 1 8e930bac5-594b-… 7010… ATLANTI… ATLANTIC… ARG   LW3233   8615…       985759069
# # ℹ 5 more variables: positionsCounter <int>, sourceCode <list>,
# #   matchFields <chr>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>, transmissionDateTo <chr>
#check registry info:
one_AIS$registryInfo %>% relocate(transmissionDateFrom, transmissionDateTo) #changing column order for visualization
# # A tibble: 1 × 15
#   transmissionDateFrom transmissionDateTo  id    sourceCode ssvid flag  shipname
#   <chr>                <chr>               <chr> <list>     <chr> <chr> <chr>   
# 1 2014-01-01T03:28:33Z 2024-05-31T23:56:3… 4550… <chr [1]>  7010… ARG   ATLANTI…
# # ℹ 8 more variables: nShipname <chr>, callsign <chr>, imo <chr>,
# #   latestVesselInfo <lgl>, geartypes <list>, lengthM <dbl>, tonnageGt <int>,
# #   vesselInfoReference <chr>

This other vessel has had three identities based on AIS, but these are easy to reconstruct:

three_AIS <- get_vessel_info(where= "ssvid='412217989'") #one registry, three AIS 
# see AIS-based indentities:
three_AIS$selfReportedInfo %>% relocate(transmissionDateFrom, transmissionDateTo) 
# # A tibble: 3 × 13
#   transmissionDateFrom transmissionDateTo   vesselId    ssvid shipname nShipname
#   <chr>                <chr>                <chr>       <chr> <chr>    <chr>    
# 1 2021-11-29T06:20:07Z 2024-07-20T23:59:49Z b373b6306-… 4122… HAO YAN… HAOYANG77
# 2 2014-03-29T00:32:05Z 2021-11-27T20:13:55Z 305097c65-… 4122… JIN LIA… JINLIAOY…
# 3 2012-08-01T01:47:23Z 2014-03-29T00:14:05Z 95a173191-… 4316… HAKKO M… HAKKOMAR…
# # ℹ 7 more variables: flag <chr>, callsign <chr>, imo <chr>,
# #   messagesCounter <int>, positionsCounter <int>, sourceCode <list>,
# #   matchFields <chr>
#check registry info:
# # A tibble: 1 × 15
#   id                    sourceCode ssvid flag  shipname nShipname callsign imo  
#   <chr>                 <list>     <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>    <chr>
# 1 bdd48f4144f4fdd034ce… <chr [5]>  4122… CHN   HAOYANG… HAOYANG77 BAWB     9038…
# # ℹ 7 more variables: latestVesselInfo <lgl>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>,
# #   transmissionDateTo <chr>, geartypes <list>, lengthM <dbl>, tonnageGt <dbl>,
# #   vesselInfoReference <chr>

However, sometimes a vessel found in AIS has no registry information and the registry fields come back empty.

get_vessel_info(where = "ssvid='71000036'")
# $dataset
# # A tibble: 1 × 1
#   dataset                                
#   <chr>                                  
# 1 public-global-vessel-identity:v20231026
# $registryInfoTotalRecords
# # A tibble: 1 × 1
#   registryInfoTotalRecords
#                      <int>
# 1                        0
# $registryInfo
# # A tibble: 0 × 1
# # ℹ 1 variable: <list> <list>
# $registryOwners
# # A tibble: 0 × 1
# # ℹ 1 variable: <list> <list>
# $registryPublicAuthorizations
# # A tibble: 0 × 1
# # ℹ 1 variable: <list> <list>
# $combinedSourcesInfo
# # A tibble: 1 × 9
#   vesselId  geartypes_geartype_n…¹ geartypes_geartype_s…² geartypes_geartype_y…³
#   <chr>     <chr>                  <chr>                                   <int>
# 1 c9cc6776… DRIFTING_LONGLINES     COMBINATION_OF_REGIST…                   2022
# # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​geartypes_geartype_name, ²​geartypes_geartype_source,
# #   ³​geartypes_geartype_yearFrom
# # ℹ 5 more variables: geartypes_geartype_yearTo <int>,
# #   shiptypes_shiptype_name <chr>, shiptypes_shiptype_source <chr>,
# #   shiptypes_shiptype_yearFrom <int>, shiptypes_shiptype_yearTo <int>
# $selfReportedInfo
# # A tibble: 1 × 13
#   vesselId         ssvid shipname nShipname flag  callsign imo   messagesCounter
#   <chr>            <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <lgl>           <int>
# 1 c9cc67761-1a95-… 7100… BOIA 2   BOIA2     BRA   BO12345  NA              91004
# # ℹ 5 more variables: positionsCounter <int>, sourceCode <list>,
# #   matchFields <chr>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>, transmissionDateTo <chr>

It is also possible that a search returns a vessel with no matching AIS information and no registry

noAIS_noReg <- get_vessel_info(where = "imo='44201155'") #no AIS, no registry information
# # A tibble: 1 × 1
#   registryInfoTotalRecords
#                      <int>
# 1                        0
# # A tibble: 1 × 13
#   vesselId         ssvid shipname nShipname flag  callsign imo   messagesCounter
#   <chr>            <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <lgl> <chr>    <chr>           <int>
# 1 ec9a49563-3add-… 5242… . ALK@A… ALKALK    NA    LNOTE`?  4420…              19
# # ℹ 5 more variables: positionsCounter <int>, sourceCode <list>,
# #   matchFields <chr>, transmissionDateFrom <chr>, transmissionDateTo <chr>

Digging into the $selfReported information, we find the vessel MMSI is malformed (it has only six characters) and points to very few positions in old AIS messages (2013). Variable matchFields reports NO_MATCH.

Read more: