Base function to get vessel information from API and convert response to data frame

  query = NULL,
  where = NULL,
  search_type = "search",
  ids = NULL,
  match_fields = NULL,
  registries_info_data = c("ALL"),
  key = gfw_auth(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  print_request = FALSE,



When search_type = "search", a length-1 vector with the identity variable of interest, MMSI, IMO, call sign or ship name.


When search_type = "search", an SQL expression to find the vessel of interest


Type of vessel search to perform. Can be "search" (the default) or "id". (Note:"advanced" and "basic" are no longer in use as of gfwr 2.0.0.)


When search_type = "id", a vector with the vesselId of interest


Enhances the response with new information, defaults to include all.


returns ownership information


lists public authorizations for that vessel


adds information about the reason why a vessel is returned


Optional. Allows to filter by matchFields levels. Possible values: "SEVERAL_FIELDS", "NO_MATCH", "ALL". Incompatible with where


when search_type == "id", gets all the registry objects, only the delta or the latest.


The API will return the most recent object only


The API will return only the objects when the vessel changed one or more identity properties


The registryInfo array will return the same number of objects that rows we have in the vessel database


Authorization token. Can be obtained with gfw_auth() function (the default)


Boolean. Whether to print the number of events returned by the request and progress. Default is FALSE.


Boolean. Whether to print the request, for debugging purposes. When contacting the GFW team it will be useful to send this string


Other parameters, see API documentation


When search_type = "search" the search takes basic identity features like MMSI, IMO, callsign, shipname as inputs, using parameter "query". For more advanced SQL searches, use parameter "where". You can combine logic operators like AND, OR, =, >= , <, LIKE (for fuzzy matching). The id search allows the user to search using a GFW vesselId.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Simple searches, using includes
get_vessel_info(query = 224224000, search_type = "search",
key = gfw_auth())
# Advanced search with where instead of query:
get_vessel_info(where = "ssvid = '441618000' OR imo = '9047271'",
search_type = "search", key = gfw_auth())
 # Vessel id search
 get_vessel_info(search_type = "id",
 ids = c("8c7304226-6c71-edbe-0b63-c246734b3c01",
 "6583c51e3-3626-5638-866a-f47c3bc7ef7c"), key = gfw_auth())
 all <- get_vessel_info(search_type = "id",
 ids = c("8c7304226-6c71-edbe-0b63-c246734b3c01"),
 registries_info_data = c("ALL"), key = gfw_auth())
 none <- get_vessel_info(search_type = "id",
 ids = c("8c7304226-6c71-edbe-0b63-c246734b3c01"),
 registries_info_data = c("NONE"), key = gfw_auth())
 delta <- get_vessel_info(search_type = "id",
 ids = c("8c7304226-6c71-edbe-0b63-c246734b3c01"),
 registries_info_data = c("DELTA"),
 key = gfw_auth())
 } # }